Fall has definitely arrived and the leaves have really started to turn. Jess and I spotted this maple on our way back from the library this morning
Frost has taken down the most sensitive plants so the remaining squash are all in the house along with the tomatoes. Not a great year for squash--I will try to vine them upwards to the back deck next year.
The frosts have not yet been hard enough to kill off the Jerusalem artichoke. I'm keen to harvest our first crop of tubers this year once it dies back.
The beets and carrots are still going strong. The yellowstone carrots look huge (housekey for scale).
I also managed to get a second crop off some of the beds. I will pickle these radishes this weekend.
The garden is starting to wind down so the next few weeks will include harvesting root veggies, putting amendments in the beds for spring and I will be moving a few plants.