Friday, October 15, 2021

Late harvest

We finished up most of the harvesting last weekend, bringing in another 150lbs of potatoes.

The potatoes were plentiful.

They were also huge!

I had to call in reinforcements to finish the rest of the root vegetables in the back yard.

We still have carrots out front to pull this weekend.

The garlic also got planted in the back beds and leaves raked over everything.

Inside, Jenn baked a pie from scratch.

Our plan is to finish up with the carrots this weekend and put everything away for the year. No snow is forecast for awhile but the highs are only in the low teens. I also have a bit of bed prep to do--some more manure and bonemeal out front.

Monday, October 4, 2021


We've been busy harvesting and processing the results. We started with the last the basil. There was a ridiculous amount (below is one of the 12 plants we harvested, after a summer of heavy cutting) so we gave it away and Jess made soup and we had it fresh. The cupboard is already full of dried, pesto, and oils.

We also pulled in half the potatoes. We got five five gallon pails. Some are in the basement for storage and seed for next year. About half we've given away. Crazy potato harvest the year.

The potatoes were huge this year (likely the heat) and plentiful. One plant yielded 17 baseball- to softball- sized potatoes.

We also culled the peas for next year's seed.

I harvested about 10 feet of kidney beans (bush variety) and have been letting them dry (was a risk of frost so hauled them in). I think we have about four cups of beans.

The larger, later apple tree also got picked. We've made a tonne of apple rings in the dehydrator. The rest we've been eating fresh or baking with.

After some fiddling with the soil and nagging, Jess put in 40+ garlic cloves for next year. This year, I even marked out where we put them!

We've also started digging carrots (nantes and yellow stone).

This coming weekend, we'll likely pull in the rest of the potatoes an half of the carrots as snow is predicted for Thanksgiving Monday.