So we're in the middle of a very hot (+29 C consistently) and dry August (again) so much of my gardening time has been spent watering.
I pulled the garlic over the August long weekend as it was looking ready. It has been curing in the garage and is likely good to be cleaned up for storage. I threw down some lettuce and radish seeds in that bed, mostly as a green manure.
The rest of the yard is looking pretty green. The peas along the fence are nearly done and the basil is really kicking ass.
I've frozen over two gallons of raspberries for jamming when the weather cools off. I get about half a gallon every other day and we've been eating about half of the harvest. The new raspberry patch on the south fece is growing in well but suffering a bit in the heat. We should get a good harvest next year there.
The tomato show lots of growth but not many fruit yet. Lots of flowering in the heat so, if the frost stays away, we should still get a decent crop
The bees seem to have found the sunflowers and the scarlett runner beans.
The pumpkin patch out front is slowly starting to fill in (very cold and wet the spring and that set things back). We have six or seven pumpkins that might make it before frost. The one above has doubled in size since I took this picture a week ago. Keeping them wet enough is the challenge.
More exciting is a have a bunch of viable cantaloupes this year. They are a small, single-serving fruit and these are right now about the volume of two golf balls. But this is further than I have gotten with melons ever before! The heat on the south wall of the garage and the raised bed seem to make a big difference.
I also had to crop a third off of the basil. We don't have quite as much as last year (which was a stupid amount) but enough that making another batch of basil (alas no garlic scapes this time) to freeze as no problem.
It looks like the early apple tree is getting ready to ripen (a few red ones but still bit tart) so maybe sauce ad pies in the next few weeks.