Friday, August 19, 2011

Flowers and preserving

We've hit the high point of the garden this year and we're now starting to harvest, preserve and prep a bit for next year. I've spent some time composting the empty spots left by the potatoes we've eaten. In a couple of spots, I then planted the onion bulbs that didn't really grow much this summer (due to bad placement) for an early start next year.

This weekend we'll be making applesauce with fruit from a neighbour's tree. We'll also be making some sundried tomatoes (some to eat and some to freeze) again. And I frozen some basil in oil last night for winter stews and sauces.

I also put away a bunch of dried chives for breads. If the market has enough cucumbers this weekend we'll also be making some relish. I'm keen to put some of my larger jars back to work now that I have a stock pot big enough to hot-water bath them.

At some point, I will continue digging the new potato bed in the backyard. That said, I saw an amazing video on line of a fellow who grew potatoes in a pot and had great results. I may try that next year.


  1. Yes, it is that time of year. I should harvest my chives and some tarragon. Also time to cut in some new beds and prep them for spring. Expecting some nice well rotted sheep's manure next week in trade for bread! Great trade in my mind.

  2. Thanks Sarah--yes, delivered manure is better than the "u-pick" variety! :) And a trade for bread is a good one. Now back to slaving over some relish as the thermometer starts to climb towards 30... .

  3. Applesauce! It seems like we have similar neighbours, both wealthy in apples and willing to share. Good luck with your canning!
