Saturday, May 3, 2014

Potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes

Between flute, soccer, community clean-us and evening plans, this weekend won't give us much time to garden. Fortunately, we're well ahead of the game and spent some time after school keeping pace.

We planted a bunch of potatoes out front. We grabbed a mixed bad of seed (red pontiac, russet burbank and yukon gold) to add to the russet and Russian blue we planted last fall. Jenn also discovered a bunch of blue caribe in the basement with two-foot purple shoots so we dropped those in as well.

Along the side, we planted some Jerusalem artichokes. I'm keen to taste these tubers in the fall, along side the day lilies and the various potatoes. In the meantime, the yellow flowers should pretty up the side up the house.

In the back, the onions are coming up (about an inch for the early ones) and the garlic is doing well (about four inches). We also picked up some replacement garlic because all of the hard-necked cloves we planted last year died over the winter.

Next up are seeding some carrots (maybe next weekend), more beets, turnips and some kale. There are also beans to plant. Then a lull until we can plant corn and squash and a few starters (tomatoes, celery, basil etc). So we'll spend some time fixing up some places were jess wants to seed some annual flowers.

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