Jess and I took a wander in the valley between rain storms and ran across a bunch of interesting plants. I've no idea what this flower is--it grew tall (like a hollyhock) but the flower looks different. It was an isolated specimen so may be bird dropped.
The fruit forest that was planted is amazing in its scope when viewed from above. There has to be almost 1000 plants involved.
We also ran across what I think is baneberry, which is a no-no for foraging.
In the backyard, the potatoes are all putting out seed pods. One particular type (Russian Blue, I think( is putting out lots of seed--I've seen singles before, but never multiples like this.
The dill is spectacular and smells great. I must read up on when and how to dry it.
And the onions are almost ready to pull. This one is between a baseball and a softball in size and the top is still green and standing so I expect it will get bigger. A bunch of the onions have keeled over and are looking ready to die back.
Earlier this week, we lifted about half of the garlic and put in some buckwheat as a green manure. Nothing has germinate diet, but this soaking should help.