Sunday, July 6, 2014

Strawberry-rhubarb pie filling

This weekend has been busy with city-wide soccer playoffs. This morning I managed to jar the last of the strawberries, mixing them with some rhubarb and apple to make pie filling. On top of the 18 jars of jam we made and the gallon or so we've eaten raw, I think we're good on strawberries! 

The day lilies are flowering in the backyard and I wanted to try to incorporate these into some recipes. I will hunt something up this afternoon after the gold medal match is finished.

An insane rain on Friday night has spurred the garden onto new growth and some poppies are now flowering. These are originally from my grandmother's garden in Perdue.

My dad saved some seeds in a baby-food jar after he sold our place in Calgary in 1981 and then I had the seeds in my freezer for a decade. When we dump them out two years ago, we got two plants but they seem to be naturalizing and also getting bigger.

The mock orange bushes are also in full bloom. Ours has reacted to additional light now that the neighbour has cut down a pair of huge spruce trees.

We never used the fire place out back for fear of setting the spruce trees on fire. Now that they are gone, we'll trim back the mock orange and maybe give it a go later in the summer.

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