Wednesday, May 4, 2022


April was cold, with winter hanging until the middle of the month. I spent some time thinning out the preserves cupboard and working my way through pie filling and apple sauce. 

The violets were up in one of the raised beds. these got transplanted to make room for onions.

We finally saw signs of life the last week of April with the garlic poking through.

I put Jess to work before she heads off to a join Banff for the summer. Here she's planting onion.

We also put in 50 feet of peas along the edge of the fence (plastic trellis is invisible).

We built a strawberry tower. Not sure the strawberries we bought are going to make it.

This week it was potato day. We had about 50 spuds left over from last year so they all went in the ground.

I dug and she raked.

We also moved a water barrel and some composter around to make room for some hasp bushes and a cheery tree. I'm currently doing battle withs some crab grass in the back yard while the soil is moist and loose.

The next big project is to fix the north fence. It looks like we might still have some below freezing temperatures so the tomato and basil plants remain in the house.

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