Monday, April 24, 2023

Bedding plants and potatoes

The first round of seeds survive their transplant and the tomatoes are happily sunning themselves in the window sills.

This week, we transferred the second set of seeds from the tiny greenhouse Jess has to their interim homes. The butternut squash came on hard!

The basil also looks good. This will fill in nicely in the raised beds in the back.

We then planted a bunch of melons, pumpkin, and cucumber seeds as a third round of starts. Once these are germinated, we'll then start some corn. We did put a few seeds in. Jess did the onions while I put in some spinach.

Meanwhile, the potatoes were all "TAKE ME TO THE SUN!" so we dug up one of the front beds and dropped them in. These are most blue caribe and a few sangre that I saved from last year. All told, we have about 60 potatoes in the ground.

I also got ambitious out front and moved some raspberry suckers that were invading a bed and then cut down two thorny gooseberry bushes, burning the clippings. After several years of trying to like them, I found I just don't care for gooseberries and the thorns are a huge pain to garden around.

I have one more weekend of Jessica's labour before she's off to the mountains to work for the summer so I'll need to figure out what I can use her for. Maybe some work under the deck? Or possibly doing some late trimming of the top of the apple tree.

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