Thursday, May 25, 2023

Tulips and cherries

We had a nasty weekend of smoke from the forest fires (air quality was an 11+ on a scale of 1-10) so I didn't get out much. As things improved, I finished seeding and putting in the last of the flowers. I also cut out the dead raspberry canes and passed on some suckers to the neighbour.

One of the bright spots has been the tulips we planted last year, which have been really doing well and adding some interested as the perennials are still filling in.

The cherry tree we planted in the back flowers like crazy the spring, which is good sigh. There are a small number of baby cherries tucked in among the flower clusters. I'm hopeful we'll get a taste of what these will be like in future years come summer.

The rest of this week has been given over to fighting with some ants and weeding the vegetable beds. t looks like the crab apple tree in the front yard has finally given up so I may also go and cut that down and clean up around it. I've been looking for a spot for a a plum tree. Perhaps this is it?

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