Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tulips, tomatoes and potatoes

We spent part of the long weekend planting out the more tender plants, including a bunch of tomatoes.

Given that we've lost a lot of our gardening space to the garage build for this year, we only planted about 20 tomato plants: some in the box at below the back deck and some in a garden bed that I've recovered from the hedge.

Jess got pretty into it, based on the dirt on her face when it was done.

While she was planting, I was busy with the weeding in the side and front beds. A bit of heat has brought on the weeds. But it has also brought out the blooms on the saskatoon bushes. Assuming the bees get busy, it should be a good harvest!

The heat has also meant some of the potatoes we planted have pushed through to the surface. These are caribe blue that overwintered in the basement.

I still have a few plants to put in (two celery plants we've regrown from the butt plus a pair of leeks). There is also a bit of room for more flowers. And I see that the carrots have finally germinated out front. Let the thinning commence!

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