Saturday, February 22, 2014

Signs of spring?

Alas, no--just an early February thaw. But running water, warm weather and bunny tracks were encouraging. And then it snowed again. Oh well, the end is near. Perhaps I'll finish tuning up the bikes tomorrow to keep occupied.

All that said, I did haul out the glass for the cold frames against the south side of the house. It will be another month or so until the ground in thawed enough to bother with spinach seeds, but a warm day will thaw the soil enough that I can get a good sniff of moist earth.

In the meantime, I'm working my way through the freezer and pantry. I put the last five jars of tomatoes in to the crockpot this afternoon to make pasta sauce. Wow, they smelled good--totally worth the hassle of canning them last summer.  We're also into the last flat of apple sauce and the last few jars of crab apple jelly. Now to spend an hour reading a book about urban foraging and dandelion pesto.