Spring may be a few weeks late, but it is coming on like a mother! Most of the bulbs are up and the tulips are blooming like crazy.
I've had my first go at squaring up the hedge and knocking back so we have a bit more room in the driveway.
The rhubarb is also growing like crazy. I've been lopping the seed heads off and we've been harvesting to make another batch of rhubarb wine.
Both apple trees are in full flower. I am hopeful we'll get a good crop this year. I would like to dry more apples for winter eating. The blossoms survived the insane wind storm we had (with the power out for five hours).
We finally finished planting out the flowers we grew from seed this year. Jess is now tall enough to plant the window box below her room.
The strawberries are also blooming, hopefully with the promise of spring fruit.
The Canada 150 tulips Jenn was keen on have also come up. An interesting bit of breeding but a touch underwhelming. We'll be touring the neighbourhood this week to pull together some Front yards in Bloom nominations for the gardening club.
We also put on a new wine kit to cook this week. It is fermenting away in the basement. I'm currently freezing rhubarb until we have enough to make wine with. Probably about the time we rack off the red we have going.