Sunday, August 4, 2019


It was garlic week as the leaves were dying down and some local urban outdoorsman had helped himself to a bunch of heads we were growing in the alley.

We harvested about 75 heads. Some were a nice size and some were huge!

These were heads that had gone two years in the ground. We'll have to see what they are like once they are cured (the smell in the garage while they hang  is both wonderful and overpowering).

We also got our second and likely last harvest of peas. Most of these were blanched and frozen.

The rain wants we had big, big peas this year. The story in the tomato patch is less hopeful with a reduce crop due to the cool weather.

With the old garage on its last legs, we are making plans to replace it next year. This means disassembling the garden beds in the alley, burning the old wood, and moving the soil elsewhere (instead of planting a cover crop with the garlic harvested).

There are a couple of spots the city dug up four years ago to put in a new sewer line. The fill they put in slumped, leaving big depressions. So Jess humped the soil here, smoothed it out, and then we threw some grass seed down.

I suspect this week we'll be doing some thinning of the irises out front which will include making room to move the rhubarb away from the garage construction site. The raspberries are also continuing to produce huge amounts of berries and I will have to finish up canning the strawberries so we have adequate freezer space!

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