Saturday, March 2, 2013

Experimenting with wine making

Spring is in the air today so we went out early to get some skiing in before the snow melted. A bit icy but a fun start to the day.

One of my goals this year is to make some apple cider (meant to do it last year but just couldn't get it together). I bought a wine making kit on kijiji and thought we should get some experience with an starter (i.e., idiot-proof) wine kit before venturing into cider. So today was the day the pinot noir got started.

I was also excited to try out the apron I got at Xmas (which is now suitable stained) and Jess and Jenn both patiently waited for me to muddle through the instructions.

As far as I can tell, we didn't miss any steps or do anything wrong. I suppose we'll know for sure in four weeks.

The cold frames beside the house are starting to warm the soil a bit and there are places where it is thawed down a whole centimeter! A few more weeks and we'll be in a much better place. But the smell of earth is very nice.

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