Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dilly beans

We planted a bunch of yellow and purple string beans this spring our front to put some nitrogen in a new bed. The yellow beans are starting to produce while the purple plants seem a few weeks behind. Since the day was cool and rainy, I picked the ones which were ready. The purple is a lovely contrast to the yellow.

As we ended up with many more beans than we could use last year, I decided to try pickling some. This also gave me a chance to use up the smaller garlic heads that are curing on the deck.

Overall, a nice quick recipe that provides a decent sharp note in the middle of winter. Interesting how the water bath caused the purple beans to fade to green. I wonder if that is heat-related or if the vinegar was also a factor--I'll try some in a pressure canner later this summer and see if it happens there as well. Some of the beets are starting to look a decent size so I may do some of these as well. The rest of the day entails dealing with the monster zucchini

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