Sunday, July 29, 2012

More berries

We took a short trip to Saskatchewan last week and had lovely weather. Things were very green as the ground was very wet this year.

We returned home to a huge number of yellow and green beans being ready to pick. We steamed some (along with carrots and beets) for dinner and then I frozen eight cup for the winter. I'll be doing a bunch more as I only picked half of what we ready this afternoon (back too sore for days of driving).

The raspberries are also really producing right now, and we had some with ice cream for dessert. While we were in Saskatchewan, we took a short hike near Blackstrap Lake and ran into a bunch of wild raspberries and saskatoon berries (as well as copious chokecherries and something that tasted like a currant).

We also ran across two berries I didn't recognize. The ones above are quite orange and fuzzy. The ones below looks liked cranberries but had a translucent white flesh and tasted very bitter. We didn't eat either (I wondered if the ones below were nightshade). Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Tomorrow the lawn and I will need to have a reckoning and we need to thin out some carrots and beets. I see that the painted lady beans are also finally setting seed pods.

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