Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saskatoon picking

The Saskatoon season seems to be a week or two earlier this year than last and Jess and I have been picking. Yesterday we culled the early berries from a neighbour's bush (we will give him some potatoes or tomatoes later in the year) and managed to get 4 litres. I decided to freeze them and make jam later.

Today we rode down to the plants we found in the valley and picked about 2 cups. There were lots of berries but they are a bit further behind than those in our yard. Poor soil and uneven moisture might account for some of that.

I'd forgotten what bush picking was like--thistle, rose bushes, bugs on me, bugs on the berries, ass-over-tea-kettle down the muddy slope. Good stuff!

We'll likely head back monday to both places and see what we can grab. Right now the peas in the alley need some attention (which helps flesh out dinner plans).


  1. I just went to my favourite U-Pick and the saskatoons were beautiful. Huge berries and juice. I picked 4 pailfuls so have plenty for the winter.

  2. Do you know a good place to pick raspberries in Saskatoon? I can't find any!

  3. Melanie,

    Thanks for your note.

    There is a list of Saskatchewan u-picks here:

    If you were asking for a place to pick wild ones, that I don't know (don't live near Saskatoon!).

